All relationships thrive on fruits. These fruits are spoken words with corresponding actions that feed the need of the person you love. Looking for love is an effort into frustrations. You can’t find love. Love is cultivated and harvested much like an orchard owner cultivates and harvests oranges or any other fruit.
Feelings of love and love are two different things. The one that’s so hungry for love can’t love. Such a person has no fruit to share. They are like fruit flies hovering around looking to feed on rotting fruits. To truly love, you must be so full and content that you won’t be troubled by unrequited love. A fruitful tree doesn’t care even if the one who eats of its fruits doesn’t appreciate it. Why? Because its purpose and glory is to produce fruit and whoever eats that fruit falls directly into the line of its purpose.
Love is a fruit of your human spirit and that love comes from your connection with God. If you are saved and full of the Holy Spirit, and if you love the word of God and worship, the authentic and automatic result will be that of fruitfulness. You’ll produce so much love that it won’t matter who appreciates it or not. You’ll be so preoccupied with producing lots of fruits of love that you won’t have time getting hurt of offended by those who don’t appreciate you.
Your spirit produces love, joy, peace and all the fruits that make for living, loving and fulfilling relationships. Be a producer of fruits and not a hunter of fruits. You’ll be happiest when you see people around you relish your fruits. With this mindset, you won’t feel hurt, disappointed or even rejected when relationships don’t go your way. Just produce fruit and that person that values it will be your loving partner.
Gal 5:22-23 KJV
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.