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How To Deal With Demons


Belfagor also known as Baalpeor is the demon of SLOTH. This demon makes people want quick success without much effort. The book of Titus ascribes to it the tendency to make people be SLOW BELLIES.

Titus 1:12 KJV
One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow [ARGOR] bellies.

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How To Deal With Demons – BEL means LORD and ARGOR means greedy or slow belly. ‘Belfagor’, therefore, means LORD OF THE
BELLY or Lord of Slow Bellies. This is the demon of GAP or SPACE or quick success on SOCIAL MEDIA. It’s also the demon of PARIS or modern Satanic fashions. It helps its worshippers with witty discoveries and
inventions. Baalpeor or Baal of Peor (BELFAGOR) made the Israelites eat, drink and get into orgies with Moabitish women. They lost the battle as a result.

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